
Salaire net mensuel

Information non renseignée

Détails de la structure

Virtuos France
  • Cette annonce est désactivée, il n'est donc plus possible d'y postuler.
Date de publication initiale : 25/01/2024

Vue d'ensemble

As a Level Designer, you will collaborate with developers from prestigious studios to deliver the best user experience, following the game's creative direction. Supporting your team, you will be responsible for the development of maps, levels and top notch gameplay situations in order to bring the game's vision to life.

Absorb the creative briefs and the creative vision of the game.
Design gameplay situations and map structures on paper, in a succinct and easy to understand format, in line with the game's vision.
Build greyblock maps and iterate on it until achieving predefined goals.
Test your maps, establish metrics and ensure they are respected over the entire development process.
Follow and transmit best practices to build maps in editors.
Provide rational level design documents when required.
Expand or subtract from existing maps and situations, according to the scope of the game.
Script and implement dynamic level design elements in the editor.
Nurture a team of designers, providing them with support and knowledge.